Sunday, November 11, 2007

A trap called THE HUMAN BODY

In the recent days , two events have actively engaged my attention to dwell on the miracle and tragedy of the human body. A package of billions of cells of different combinations holding the crucible of thought , storing attitude, character, and a myriad of other qualities. One was about Lakshmi. I have attached below a news item

Girl born with 8 limbs regains consciousness following surgery

Lakshmi , a 2-year-old Indian girl was born joined at the pelvis to a "parasitic twin" that stopped developing in her mother's womb. The surviving fetus absorbed the limbs, kidneys and other body parts of the undeveloped fetus . She was born with four arms and four legs. On Wednesday, a team of more than 30 surgeons concluded the 24-hour operation, removing the extra limbs, transplanting a kidney from the twin and reconstructing Lakshmi's pelvic area. She regained consciousness on Friday, wiggled her toes and smiled at her parents, 48 hours after massive surgery removed the extra limbs.Doctors said the complicated surgery was a great success, meaning she would not need further major reconstructive surgery. However, Lakshmi will need further treatments and possible surgery for clubbed feet before she will be able to walk.Children born with deformities in deeply traditional rural parts of India such as the remote village in the northern state of Bihar that Lakshmi hails from are often viewed as reincarnated gods. But some had sought to make money from Lakshmi. Her parents kept her in hiding after a circus apparently tried to buy the girl, they said.Her father, Shambhu, who only goes by one name, had told reporters that her family had been worried for her future before the operation and he was looking forward to seeing her with "a normal body."

Nearly thirty pairs of hands and thirty pairs of eyes volunteered to repair the body of Lakshmi . Imagine what would have happened to the girl if she had had to live with her deformity. And the cold-bloodedness of a world that tries to make money out of somebody else's misfortune. The circus guys attempting to buy her and perhaps trying to teach her a trick or two such as cooking as well as washing at the same time.
Ive heard that once in a while such children are born in this world . Such a sad thing to happen. Ive heard of a young man who carried an extra face behind his head. It used to always be grinning. The sorrow and disappointment killed him. In carnivals in the US such specimens are shown packed in glass jars.

Another recent event was that of a known person getting bedridden suddenly with stroke. He could not speak or move his right limbs. He lay watching people who came to see him. Doctors pumped in some medicines which just stabilized his condition but did not cure him. When I tried to take leave of him he tried to say something but only gurgling sounds came from his mouth like he was a month old baby. It was such an agony to watch another person’s debilitating handicap.A learned mind trapped in a body that will not vocalize the thoughts and needs of a person.

Why there is Immense disappointment and utter helplessness in life is confounding and beyond the realm of human understanding.

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